Calling everyone names for questioning the safety of the shots that are now proven to be much less safe and effective than what was initially promised, and then expecting us to believe that this top athlete has always been totally sick. Sure. In the end the truth will win, and I hope for you that you won't miss the exit when it's time to get off the propaganda train.

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so if he had a pre-existing heart condition, and he passed a physical in June to transfer from Man City to Barca, AND was vaxxed - there is no room in your mind (crowded as it is with ad hominem attacks) that the mRNA might have exacerbated this? Are you a cardiologist? just curious...

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The real disease came approx 2020 when vaccines got introduced hence why this new omricon straight funnily enough has all the side effects of vaccines.... Come on you sheeple, take more vaccines and join Pfizers loyalty scheme. We need to get depopulate as predicted in a smart way, what is smarter than this? You get a Krispy cream doughnut for completing the the loyalty card from the most sued company in the world!

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Yes. Everyone is expected to show their covid vaccination records openly to just about anyone asking for it to gain access to stuff (because fark medical privacy; it is for the greater good), but when people ask about Aguero's covid vax status now, it is now protected like a state secret, because medical privacy.

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Chooses to ignore that Covid actually has been proven to cause heart problems and these 75 that you pulled out of your arse could all have had covid. But your type dont use their brain sadly.

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Thou doth protest too much

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Such a hack job here. Hopefully the check from Phizer is in the mail and you at least have something to show for this deep throat. Heart issues are absolutely a known side effect of the vaccine, and the incidence of heart issues from covid itself are vastly overstated by the vaccine apologist crowd...especially in young people. If someone already has a susceptible heart like Aguero, and those spike proteins get into the wrong part of the system and make their way to the heart...wouldn't that make a nasty outcome all the more likely? 75 soccer players in Euorpe have had on field heart issues so far this year. That's a 700% increase from the average of the last 20 years combined. I'm sure it's just a coincidence tho.

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Yes, absolutely right. And if it were only 2 injuries, but only this weekl, 3 high profile players had to leave macthes with chest pain. Mathew Nash is completely unethical!!

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Game over for Aguero now, the experimental genetic treatment being called a vaccine that doesn't stop you getting it or passing it on has worked its magic, along with over 75 other sports stars this year.

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So having known history of heart issue getting a clot jab was a good idea?

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